โ‰๏ธWhat Problem Are We Solving?

The problem we are solving is more of a โ€œdilemmaโ€.

We call it the โ€œAdaptive Dilemmaโ€. Blockchain technology is an incredible tool that can be used to remove suffering, optimize workflows and improve many aspects of the real world. The dilemma is multi-pronged:

  1. Retail investors donโ€™t understand how to think about it as an investment strategy.

  2. Projects and builders arenโ€™t sure how to best integrate blockchain to create a clear improvement over older or more familiar technology.

  3. New technology requires a paradigm shift in both the tech and the behavioral aspects. Humans have not yet figured out how they need to modify their own behavior to benefit from the new tech.

For all three, there is a preponderance of logic, reasoning, and evidence that needs to be explored, poked, and prodded. The important thing we realize is that the solution for everyone is different, but can be discerned through strong frameworks, tools, connections, and principles. The Guardian Academy is focusing on solving that problem for many and then arming them with the tools to continue to diffuse, reinvent and implement those solutions through our Capstone projects, incentive programs, and community efforts.

Note: Inside TGA, team members and community members will be sharing their personal opinions and (hopefully) the logic, reasoning, and evidence behind them. This is never to be taken as financial advice. Please understand smart contracts, learn how to navigate them, understand the risks and protect yourselves. You can see the safety and security documents here

Last updated